Mint USDhy

Institutional Investors Only: The minting of USDhy is currently available exclusively to institutional investors. If you represent an institution interested in minting USDhy, please contact our team for verification and onboarding.

Minting USDhy is a straightforward process that allows you to create HYYY's stablecoin by depositing USDC as collateral. The minting process maintains a 1:1 ratio, meaning for every 1 USDC you deposit, you receive 1 USDhy.

Steps to Mint

  1. Connect Wallet: Ensure your wallet is connected and has sufficient USDC balance
  2. Approve USDC: Grant permission for the smart contract to use your USDC
  3. Enter Amount: Specify how much USDhy you want to mint (equal to USDC amount)
  4. Confirm Transaction: Review and confirm the transaction in your wallet

Try It Out

You can experience the process through this interactive mock:

Please note that this is a demonstration mockup to help visualize the minting process. The actual implementation details, user interface, and functionality may differ in the production version.

Mint USDhy

Deposit USDC to mint USDhy at a 1:1 ratio

What Happens Behind the Scenes

When you mint USDhy, the following processes occur:

  1. Your USDC is deposited into HYYY's Gateway Vault
  2. Smart contracts verify the collateral amount
  3. New USDhy tokens are minted directly to your wallet
  4. The system maintains full collateralization

After Minting

Once you have USDhy, you can:

  • Stake it in strategy vaults to earn yield
  • Redeem it back to USDC at any time
  • Hold it as a stable asset
  • Use it for trading on DEXes

For more details about the technical implementation, check out our architecture documentation.