Getting Started - HYYY Protocol

The document is under construction. We'll be adding more details soon.

Quick Start

First, grab your ingredients from the package store:

bun add @hyyy-labs/core # The secret sauce 🌶️

Time to cook up some code (chef's kiss 👨‍🍳):

interface Recipe {
  ingredients: string[];
  cookingTime: number;
  difficultyLevel: 'easy' | 'medium' | 'spicy' | 'will-make-you-cry';

// Initialize your kitchen
import { HyyyChef } from '@hyyy-labs/upcoming-soon';

const chef = new HyyyChef({
  apiKey: 'your-secret-recipe-key', // Don't share this with other chefs!
  experience: 'master-of-defi-cuisine'

// Let's cook something amazing
const recipe: Recipe = {
  ingredients: ['smart-contracts', 'yield-strategies', 'risk-management'],
  cookingTime: 0.5, // Only half a second! We're fast here
  difficultyLevel: 'easy' // Don't worry, we handle the complex stuff

// Fire up the DeFi kitchen
await chef.cookUpSomeYield(recipe);
// 🎉 Voilà! Your yield farming strategy is served